Thursday, September 22, 2011

Post school

    Sitting here working on getting my act together. I just finished school on Tuesday and Im so happy to be done. I did well got good grades, good attendance. Just before graduation I got picked to take a course by a company that would be a hopeful hire. Just had a completed offer on my house as well. Its been a long year, then again its been a pretty quick one. Seems like the time is flying. I hope it slows down sometime so I can stop and smell the roses. But I know that most likely it won't.
  With no school and a strange 8 hour a day void. Im working on my Resume, Work History, References, Job Portfolio, Letters of Recommendations. All very exciting stuff. Got this house offer and all the paperwork that goes with it....ugh. So many loose ends to tie up. I cant wait to start over. Say goodbye and let all the little things go. I've been looking forward to getting away for awhile now. Move and have a new adventure.
   With my mind wandering its a little hard to stay focused here. I just got a call from my classmate and buddy and he told me the company we were looking at gave him a call yesterday and wants him to report for work in Cali by Monday. Im pretty jealous and pretty proud of him, just wish I was going out there with.
    Gotta get back to the task at hand.....

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