saying corporations arent to blame for what the government does? 43 minutes ago · Like · 1
Eric Snyder Talk to someone about foreclosure and tell THEM the state took there home. Not the corrupt banking system. Right? 40 minutes ago · Like
Dmitri J. Robaina "If the State didn't exist, the Fed and corporations couldn't own it." - END THE FED
Whatever happened to the state being run by the people? Which is what the forefathers of this country intended...
geeeeesshhh... *sigh* 37 minutes ago · Like
Shane Henderson @Rod Mayberry... you sir are the asshole! first Dr.Ron Paul did NOT say that... the commentator did and a few assholes like yourself in the crowd cheered... not Ron Paul. As a matter of fact, Ron Paul went on to say that no , he did not want that and that when he was practicing medicine that he worked at a hospital that didnt even charge with or without insurance! in short get your facts straight you fucking troll! 27 minutes ago · Unlike · 2
Dmitri J. Robaina @ Eric "Those that want smaller government cant expect the government to further regulate the corporations" - I'm not sure about that... Cause it might not need to regulate. Just protect the free market environment, then the corporations will regulate themselves, since the competition will eat up those that do wrong (and especially those that fail and go bankrupt). 25 minutes ago · Like
Eric Snyder I think the idea that free markets allow for competition, and "companies will get eaten up by the competition" doesnt necessarily work when the corporation are so vast that they control the free market itself and control the ebb and flow of the market by manipulating through insider trading...does that sound stupid and does that refer to your statement about the gov preventing that from happening through regulation. 14 minutes ago · Like
Shane Henderson @Dmitri the banks didn't take out money.... the government loaned the banks our money in the bailouts... the banks had to pay it back and did! the government then invested the money into the war machine.... don't get me wrong the banks and corporation are a big part of the problem but by no means all of it.... the government IS the problem! also for those of you saying the FED is a banking corporation are half right... it is still a government tool with no over site until Ron Paul introduced the bill that passed to audit them. here is a fact that most are not taking into account about the fed. they are a private bank. True, but!!!! the council of governors at the federal reserve bank are appointed by the potus and confirmed by a senate select committee.